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Winter Carnival Senior Royalty

Every year, Whitefish Community Center participates in the gaiety of the Whitefish Winter Carnival by electing a Senior King and Queen.  These royal individuals are crowned by the Carnival Royalty and represent the Center during the Grand Parade.  

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King Sidney 2025.jpg

The Whitefish Community Center is continuing our 26 year tradition of representing the senior population at the Whitefish Winter Carnival festivities by announcing Sidney Stone and Joanna Ward as our Senior Royal King and Queen for the LXVI Winter Carnival. 

Queen Joanna Ward

Joanna “Jo” moved to Whitefish about 4 years ago to support her family and has found since moving here that she relishes small town life. She calls it her “slice of paradise.” Besides enjoying hiking, canoeing, and cross-country skiing, she has found time to volunteer as a Meals on Wheels driver at the Community Center three days a week. Her other volunteer activities include The Whitefish Theater Company, Big Brother Big
Sister, and CASA for Kids. When she has some “free time” she can be seen and heard singing with Valley Voices and the Glacier Chorale.
And to add to all this, “Jo is always looking for a willing scrabble partner.” Joanna has a daughter here in Whitefish and a son in Washington, D.C. We are honored to have Joanna represent the Center this year as the Center's Queen.


King Sidney Stone

Sidney “Sid” moved to Whitefish about 4 years ago also. He is a retired Information Technology executive and during his career developed and implemented innovative IT strategies for major US and overseas corporations. Since retiring his passions and hobbies include photography, hiking, traveling and golfing. Like Joanna, he has that spirit of volunteerism which the Center has benefited from as a driver for
Meals on Wheels. He also volunteers at The Whitefish Theater Company by building sets and getting props for their plays. Sidney has a son who lives in New Hampshire. We are honored that Sid will be representing the Center as our King.

The theme for this year’s Winter Carnival is “There’s Snow Place Like
Home.” The Center’s coronation ceremonies will be held on Thursday,
February 6 at 11:15 am. The entire 2025 Winter Carnival Court will join us
at the Center, so, as in the past, we can anticipate loads of fun and
frivolity. All are welcome to attend. Please call in advance to let us know
you will be coming. (406)862-4923. Jo and Sid will also be in the parade on Saturday, February 8, so come, wave and cheer them on!

Whitefish Community Center

121 East Second Street    Whitefish, MT  59937    406-862-4923

Monday thru Friday  9:00am - 2:00pm

©2023 by Whitefish Community Center

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